Customer Care Number - 7604908226


Madhucure Juice


BRAND:Fizikem Laboratories

400 380


Madhucure Juice is very effective in the condition of high blood sugar. It controls diabetes very effectively. It is specially designed for those who are suffering with diabetes and cardiac issues.


Karela - Momordica charantia - has a number of purported uses including cancer prevention, treatment of diabetes, fever, HIV and AIDS, and infections.

Triphala - contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that may help protect against certain cancers and other chronic diseases. Studies have shown that it may help treat constipation, resolve dental issues and promote weight loss.

Draksha - Vitus vinifera - is laxative and purgative, fattening, diuretic, aphrodisiac, appetizer, and the throat, cures thirst, asthma, vata and vatarakta, jaundice, strangury, blood disease. The ashes of stem are good for pains in joints, swelling of the testicle, and piles.

Methi - Trigonella foenum-graecum -  has been traditionally used against respiratory infections (bronchitis and pneumonia), and since it nourishes the body during illness, the herb has also been used to reduce fever, when taken with lemon and honey.

Madhunasinin - Syzygium cumini -  is acrid, sweet, digestive, astringent to the bowels, anthelmintic and used for the treatment of sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, thirst, biliousness, dysentery and ulcers. It is also a good blood purifier.

Nelavembu -Andrographis paniculata - antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties portrayed by nilavembu leaves offer blood purifying activity. Owing to the Tikta (bitter) taste and Pitta balancing property, it removes toxins from the blood and hence helps to manage skin diseases

Aloevera - seems to help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. It may also help to lower cholesterol. The res

Sariva -Hemidesmus indicus - is highly useful in treating inflammatory conditions in the body and can be used as a pain reliever to treat rheumatism and arthritis. It contains antispasmodic properties and effectively treats muscle spasms, convulsions, and epileptic seizure.

Senna leaves- Senna auriculata-  is used to treat constipation and also to clear the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopy. Senna is also used for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), anal or rectal surgery, tears in the lining of the anus (anal fissures), hemorrhoids, and weight loss. Senna fruit seems to be gentler than senna leaf.


Diabetes [type 1 & type 2].


Take 10 to 20ml with warm water twice daily before half an hour of food or as directed by the physician.


Read the label carefully before use

Do not exceed the recommended dose

Keep out of the reach of children


Indication Diabetes Symptoms of frequent Urge of urination Burning micturition Urgeg Ncy to urinate Sensation of no

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